Monday, January 10, 2011

My Ecological Footprint

Welcome to my first blog, ever! The following is a summary of my personal ecological footprint:

As you can see, my living habits are destroying our fair planet at a rate that cannot be replenished. As stated above, if everyone lived like me, we'd need 5.7 Planet Earth's to provide enough resources for everyone's habits. Because of that (and because it was assigned), this winter quarter it will be my mission to reduce my ecological footprint! There will be three main ways that I will attempt to "go green":

1.) Recycle. I will sort every part of my waste, and whatever can be recycled will be. Just by being conscious of how I discard materials can make a drastic impact on my contribution to our earth's decline.

2.) Carpool/Public Transportation. Whenever possible, I will attempt to have passengers in my car and will ride the bus to and from school, rather than driving. I will try to consolidate all of the necessary trips in my car into one. For example, all errands will be run at the same time.

3.) Turn off or unplug unused electronics. I will turn off lights when not in the room, turn off electronic components, and be aware of my overall electricity usage.

Not only will these strategies help offset the degradation of the earth, but these practices will also be easier on the wallet! Hopefully we as marketers can find a way to get the masses to do their part to save our earth, because after all, we only have one!

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