Hello Blog Readers! (all three of you),
Recently, I stumbled upon this article. I found it to be extremely relevant and important for our industry and world. The article is titled: "How can CEOs leave a lasting sustainability legacy?" and summarizes methods that answer just that. Some of the best ideas that the article talks about are bulleted below:
- Experiment through pilot programs. Many employees want to make a difference, but it's hard to be creative if they're running hard all the time. Give employees the opportunity to create something bigger than themselves – plus the time and resources to do it – and they may come up with an idea or product that redefines your industry.
- The best ideas are sparked by unlikely partnerships. Reach out to other organisations, especially ones with whom you wouldn't normally partner. Often, the most powerful ideas are generated when a big, hairy problem presents itself.
- NGOs, local community groups, and even academic institutions can also help you see old problems in a new light. Be willing to share your ideas, open your data vaults, and collaborate with partners. Protectionism stifles creativity: collaboration sparks it.
- Build a roster of champions at the top. Most people care about sustainability – especially people at the top. Find the issues your company's executives care about. Use these issues – and the executives' innate enthusiasm – to generate momentum for sustainability.
- Frame sustainability so people get it. Sustainability is one of the most overused and least understood terms in today's lexicon. Some people are willing to jump on the sustainability bandwagon without knowing what to do once they're there. Others are sceptical because they don't understand its value. Frame sustainability in language that reflects the organisation's or individual's values, and you will inspire action.
I believe that if all CEOs implemented these methods, our world would be a much more eco friendly place. Think of all the waste and resources that are carelessly consumed by large corporations. If all of them reduced their footprint even just a little bit, that would be a drastic improvement towards creating a more sustainable earth for generations to come.
That's all for now!